June 2021

I hope you are well and managed to avoid most of the May rainfall.

New Content Ideas For Your Website

As you know, each month we send you ideas for topics you might want to consider when updating your website content. Keeping your site updated is crucial in providing your clients with useful information and helping your search engine rankings.

Here are our ideas for content topics for this month:

  • Don't forget to remove your May & Spring Bank Holiday opening times when the holidays are over.
  • The government launched its Action Plan for Animal Welfare initiative on 12th May - you might choose to raise awareness for this amongst your clients by linking to their webpage.
  • Speaking of animal welfare, the PDSA are providing advice for pet owners on their website
  • June 15th is International Working Animal Day.
  • The RSPCA have an interesting section on their website aimed at parents teaching their children to be compassionate to animals - given lots of families will have acquired pets during lockdown, this might be a useful resource for your clients.
  • Don't forget to remove/update any out of date messages or offers on your site
  • Add your latest practice newsletter
  • Let your clients know about any staff changes

As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to hello@onlinepracticesolutions.com and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.

Best wishes

Hamster with flowers and wheel