February 2021

I hope you are well and that the business is thriving.

February Content Ideas For Your Website

As you know, we write each month to give you some inspiration for content updates to your website. Keeping your website current & up-to-date is key. Not only does it keep your clients interested and informed, it also helps with your search engine rankings.

Here are some areas that you might wish to consider when updating or adding to your practice website content this month:

  • With snow on the ground and cold temperatures this week, maybe offer advice on keeping pets safe from winter hazards. Alternatively, the BVA have produced a great article on this that they may be happy for you to link to.
  • February is National Pet Dental Month. Maybe offer free dental checks or information on how your clients can keep their pet's teeth clean
  • Unfortunately, it looks as if lock-down might be with us for a little while yet. You might feel it helpful to offer advice on looking after pets during lockdown or link to the government advice on this topic.
  • Valentines Day is fast approaching - maybe suggest your clients show their furry friends some love by treating them to a checkup or signing them up to a pet health plan. Also, maybe offer some advice on keeping pets safe around flowers & chocolates.
  • Remove/update any out of date messages or offers on your site
  • Add the latest practice newsletter
  • Check that your COVID message is up to date
  • Let your clients know about any staff changes
  • Farm/Equine - Add/Update the NADIS parasite forecast for the month

As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to hello@onlinepracticesolutions.com and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.

Best wishes

Kitten with flowers and mouse