April 2024

I hope you had a lovely Easter.

It is that time of the month again where I write with proposed content for you to use in order to keep your website up to date.

Before we get to that, I just want to remind you to be on the look out for strange domain name invoices from a company purporting to be AN Register. We have had more reports in the last month of client receiving bogus requests for payment.

Here are my suggestions for content topics that you might wish to consider when updating your website this month:

  • April is National Pet Month which provides educational campaigns and resources aimed at raising awareness of responsible pet ownership.
  • The deadline for neutering the youngest XL Bully dogs is to be extended following engagement with the veterinary industry. The new deadline to neuter XL Bully dogs that were under seven months on the 31st January 2024 will be 30th June 2025. You can read more here.
  • The changing of the clocks reminds us that we are well and truly in Spring and the following websites offer some good Spring pet care advice:-
  • This new research from the Royal Veterinary College highlights most common disorders in UK pet guinea pigs.
  • There is new legislation regulating primate pets, in effect banning the practice of keeping them as pets. You can read more here.
  • Don't forget to remove any changes to your opening hours regarding the Easter bank holiday.
  • Add your latest practice newsletter.
  • Let your clients know about any staff changes that have occurred this month.
  • Equine This article from Blue Cross provides useful information on feeding and watering your horse.
  • Equine The following events take place this month:
  • Farm Calving and Lambing will be well underway now. Famers weekly shared these useful videos on how to insert ear tags into calves correctly to avoid loss.

As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to hello@onlinepracticesolutions.com and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.

Hamster with flowers and wheel