May 2024

I hope you are well and looking forward to the bank holiday.

It is that time of the month again where I write with proposed content for you to use in order to keep your website up to date.

New content ideas for your website

Here are my suggestions for content topics that you might wish to consider when updating your website this month:

  • With the weather improving, pets are going to start spending more time in the garden so it is important to be aware that some plants are toxic to cats and dogs. These links explain more:
  • The RSPB are celebrating National Hedgerow Week from 6-12 May. Find out more here.
  • The 6-12 May is also Sun Awareness week. These articles from Blue Cross and PDSA give good advice on keeping pets safe from the sun.
  • May 8th is World Donkey Day but do donkeys make good pets? You can read more on the Countryfile website here.
  • May brings two bank holidays so make sure you update your opening times and what clients need to do in an emergency
  • Add your latest practice newsletter.
  • Let your clients know about any staff changes that have occurred this month.
  • Equine The 6-12 May is Sun Awareness week. This link from Blue Cross gives some good advice on how to protect your horse from the sun.
  • Equine The following events take place this month:-
  • Farm In May the lambs have their tails cut, to stop flies laying eggs in the wool and producing maggots that can eventually cause death, and they will be ear-notched and ear-tagged as forms of identity. Many lambs will also be castrated in May. Both Farmers Weekly and NADIS give good information on docking and castration.

As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.

Bunny in teacup