March 2024
I hope you are well and avoiding the worst of the weather.
As you know, I write each month with proposed content for you to use in order to keep your website up to date. However, before we get to that, I just wanted to bring something to your attention.
Potential Fraud Alert
A number of our clients have reported receiving invoices for domains renewals from a company purporting to be AN Register. If you receive an invoice for domain name registration or website hosting and you are not sure if it is legitimate or not, please feel free to send it to us for review before paying it.
Here are our suggestions for content topics that you might wish to consider when updating your website this month:
- Crufts takes place this month from 7th to 10th.
- Tick Bite Prevention Week takes place from March 25th to March 31st. These websites provide useful dental help & advice.
- Easter Friday is on the 29th March. Don't forget to update your website with any changes to your opening hours for the bank holiday.
- Add your latest practice newsletter.
- Let your clients know about any staff changes that have occurred this month.
- Equine The National Equine Show takes place on the 2nd & 3rd March, tickets are still available here.
- Equine The Cheltenham Festival takes place from the 12th to the 15th March. Tickets can be purchased here.
- Farm The Farm Animal Veterinary Society presents A YEAR AS A SUCKLER COW on Tuesday 5th March, 19:30pm via Zoom. For more details and to sign up see their Facebook page.
- Farm Calving and lambing really gets underway throughout March. The following sites offer help and advice on these subjects:
- Advice on calving:
- Advice on Lambing
As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.