November 2021

It's that time of the month again when we send you ideas for topics you might want to consider when updating your website content. As you know, keeping your site updated is crucial in providing your clients with useful information and helping your search engine rankings.

Here are our ideas for content topics for this month:

  • As we’ve had some heavy rain recently it might be worth linking to this advice from the RSPCA on what to do in floods.
  • Firework night is rapidly approaching and is a time of worry for many pet owners. Blue Cross offer this advice on the subject that your clients might find useful.
  • This year has seen record rises in house prices which will lead to more people looking to rent places with their pets. PetScore is an on-demand pet referencing platform which helps renters with pets gather online references, that can be shared with Landlords, letting agents or even Airbnb hosts.
  • The autumn weather has finally gotten into full swing lately! Medivet offer this advice on walking dogs in this season.
  • Farm - the change in clocks reminds us that winter is approaching. Livestock farmers might find this advice on housing livestock useful.
  • Equine - the RSPCA offer this winter advice for horse owners.
  • Don't forget to remove/update any out of date messages or offers on your site
  • Add your latest practice newsletter
  • Let your clients know about any staff changes

As always, we would be happy to update your practice website for you. Simply email your content changes to and we will get these actioned. Alternatively, you can use our content editor to make changes to your website at anytime.

Best wishes

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